Creating art is exciting and challenging. It is a form of meditation and fills my soul.

The viewer becomes connected to the divine expressed in the works through the vibrations emanating
from the painting by providing a connection to the natural world.

Different approaches and mediums give plenty of opportunities to create balance and play of light.
Large canvases and acrylics allow for fast capture and plenty of physical movement.

Creating distance from the painting enables the essence of what the artist wants to portray to come into

For an upcoming exhibition, the approach is different aerial perspectives. Perspective provides the
observer with an understanding of how different viewpoints change the picture plane.

Fleeting reflections of light on a water-lily pond that is ever-changing, mysterious, exciting, and
challenging, inspired recent themes.

Results rarely resemble the inspiration but follow their individual journey to a new and exciting rendition
with the continued endeavour to seek the light.

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