Welcome to your ePortfolio, designed to help you demonstrate your skills and experience.
This site has been setup with pages designed to assist you in creating a Portfolio and may be a component of assessment in some courses.
Follow the notes and examples here and replace the content with your own to create a Portfolio that reflects your skills and experience.
1. Visit the Law and Justice Portfolio Support Hub and check out the First Time Logging In Resources, which provide useful guidance on logging in for the first time and using the Portfolio tools.
2. To start editing your site, a great first step is renaming it with your own title. For example ‘Your Name’s Professional Portfolio’. To do so go to Settings > General on the Dashboard and edit Site Title.
3. You could also replace the image above with a photo or illustration of your own. Click here for instructions on using images.
4. When you’re ready, delete the content on this page and replace with your own. Add some intro text, with a short mission statement for your site, or some basic info about you. Click here to access resources on editing pages.
By default the privacy setting for your site has been set to private, so that only registered users (eg. you, the site owner) can view it.
For information on site privacy and choosing the right settings for your personal and professional situation, check out the Site Privacy resource.
For info on how to share your site check out the Sharing My Site resource.
If you need info to help you learn to edit your portfolio, visit the Law and Justice Portfolio Support Hub to access lots of info and resources to help you get started.
You can also visit the Create@UniSQ Getting Started resources for additional info.
If you are experiencing Technical Difficulties please visit the Create@UniSQ Support page and get in touch with our support team.