Your Portfolio includes tool that make it easy to upload and display documents in various formats including PDF, Doc, PPT, xls, notebook, docx, pptx and xlsx. The maximum file size is 50mb.

To upload document follow the steps below:

Step 1. Click the ‘Add Block Button’ and add the ‘File’ Block.

Screenshot - Sharing a Document using the 'File Block'

Step 2. Click on the ‘Upload’ button to upload a document from your computer. If the document has already been uploading, click the ‘Media Library’ button and select it.

Step 3. After the document has uploaded you can use the Block settings on the right hand side of the screen to customize how it appears. Depending on the type of document you can choose to embed it or for it to show as a link for download.

Remember to Consider Copyright!

If the document belongs to you, it’s ok to publish it on your portfolio. If it belongs to another person or organisation it’s important to consider whether or not you have the right to publish it and how it should be referenced. Where possible, it’s usually better to link to the document on the owner’s website!