Belief Statement

As a pre-service teacher, I embrace a lifelong learner ethos, committing to the analysis and evaluation of my own skills, to identify relevant professional development that will ensure I grow with the ever-changing education system (Allen & White, 2021). I intend to participate in professional learning, guided by the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APSTs) to refine my instructional practice, adhering to, and keeping abreast of high-impact educational practices (Queensland College of Teachers, 2017). Additionally, I value engagement and collaboration with colleagues as I seek and apply constructive feedback to nurture both my personal and professional growth (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), 2022).

It is my ambition to establish genuine relationships with families to enrich my understanding of my class, guiding my teaching decision-making to facilitate educational success, reduce behavioural issues and improve social/emotional competence (Churchill et al., 2021). It is my responsibility to respectfully and professionally interact with these stakeholders, communicating sensitively and confidentially to uphold ethical and professional standards (Education Council, 2019; Queensland College of Teachers, 2017). Fullan et al. (2018) articulated the importance of engaging in the school community within and beyond the classroom to enrich the educational context for students. My involvement in community partnerships is an integral facet of my personal teaching pedagogy, which aligns notably with various policies and frameworks including the Queensland Government Code of Conduct, and Parent and Community Engagement Framework (Churchill et al., 2021).

Figure 1: Standard six of the APSTs (The Vision Hub, 2023)
Figure 2: Standard seven of the APSTs (The Vision Hub, 2023)


Allen, J., & White, S. (2021). Learning to teach in a new era (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). (2022). Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) (Rev. Ed.).

Churchill, R., Apps, T., Batt, J., Beckman, K., Grainger, P., Keddie, A., Letts, W., Mackay, J., McGill, M., Moss, J., Nagel, M., & Shaw, K. (2021). Teaching: Making a difference (5th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Education Council. (2019). The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration. Department of Education, Skills and Employment.

Fullan, M., Quinn, J., & McEachen, J. (2018). Deep learning: Engage the world change the world (1st ed.). Sage Publications.

Queensland College of Teachers. (2017). Continuing professional development (CPD) policy and framework.

Standards 6 & 7 in practice

Please click here to view a demonstration and analysis of my capabilities against identified focus areas within the AITSL standards 6 and 7.

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