How I map to USQ’s Graduate Attributes:

  • Well-informed individuals with discipline-specific expertise and industry knowledge relevant to their profession or area of study;
  • Critical, creative, thinkers who can integrate and apply knowledge and relevant skills, including research and digital literacy skills, to analyse and evaluate ideas, concepts, theories and problems, and offer insights, innovative approaches and solutions;
  • Effective communicators and collaborators who actively and respectfully lead, listen, reflect, discuss and negotiate in order to work productively with a range of individuals and groups, including professional teams;
  • Ethical, engaged professionals and citizens who engage in, non-discriminatory, safe practices and consider the local, global, social, economic, legal and environmental influences on, and impact of, their attitudes and actions;
  • Employable, enterprising professionals who are confident, self-directed, know how they learn, and are resourceful, resilient, and adaptable to change;
  • Culturally capable individuals who are self-aware and sensitive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges and perspectives, equitable and respectful of diversity and multiculturalism, and can apply these capabilities in their professional practice.