STEM groups on Facebook

Teachers can benefit from sharing ideas and resources with colleagues. Sometimes that can be done face-to-face in a school, local area, or at specific events. Social media can fill a gap when face-to-face sharing is not possible or enable sharing with a wider group of colleagues.

Facebook is host to a variety of groups with a focus on STEM and related areas. They can offer valuable opportunities for collaboration. The groups listed here are some possibilities for exploring but there will be others.

Some groups are specifically for educators but others may be STEM content experts. Either can be helpful for fresh ideas or answers to questions.

Public groups allow any Facebook user to see posts and other contents. Private groups allow only members to see the content and have some process for joining.

Public groups

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,Mathematics)

This group STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,Mathematics) aims to bring together all the professionals, and the passionate people about STEM from all over the world, by enabling the knowledge, news sharing, and networking. It has more than 200 000 members.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)

A Knowledge Hub for Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Enthusiasts. It has more than 20 000 members

Private groups

Australian Teachers interested in STEM and STEAM

You will find loads of ideas and support for teaching in Australian classrooms. This group is open to Australian Teachers, Aides and Student Teachers only. If you are a parent or teacher from overseas, this is not the group for you. It has more than 3 000 members.

Teachers of Digital Tech Australia

This group is for Teachers who teach Digital Technologies in Australia. It is a group to openly share teaching units of work, classroom strategies, resources and general great helpful advice. It has more than 2 500 members.

Teaching Tech with Grok

This is Grok Academy’s Facebook group. Ask questions about our resources and share your success stories. We’re happy to discuss the challenges of teaching Digital Technologies at school and at home, whether you’re a teacher, home schooler or parent. It has more than 1 500 members.

TeachMeet QLD

TeachMeets are informal professional learning and networking opportunities for educators to meet and share inspiring and engaging ideas. The aim of TeachMeetQLD is to start the conversation. Presentations are short, sharp and meant to inspire you to engage in professional conversations with the presenters and develop your Professional Learning Network. It has about 700 members.