There are numerous sites offering resources relevant to recycling. This collection does not include them all but has examples offering a mix of information, teacher resources, and activities for learners. Image: Recycling 2 by Matt Gibson available at CC BY
Sustainable Futures
CSIRO has developed the Sustainable Futures program to support teachers of Years 3 to 10 with ideas and resources to support teaching sustainability and the environment.
Solar schools
This Brisbane-based organisation was founded by two enthusiastic teachers. It offers a comprehensive program for engaging learners in practical action based on real data collected in their school.
Kitchen Garden Foundation
The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation provides professional development, educational resources and access to the Shared Table, our online community of educators. Our Support Team will help you choose the best tools to get your kitchen garden program growing.
STEM groups on Facebook
Social media can provide excellent opportunities for teachers to exchange ideas and resources for mutual support. Facebook groups are one such possibility.
Merri-bek City Council resources
This resource is one sample from a larger collection on the Merri-bek City Council website. Some of the resources may be specific to that locality but they might provide inspiration for activities in your own locality.
HSIE – sustainability
This 40 page document from NSW Education supports the teaching of the Sustainability CCP within the Human Society and its Environment curriculum. Links are included to the source of the document and other resources.
Awesome activity books
The web page has links from which the three activity books (2017, 2020, and 2022), each with a variety of single page activities, can be downloaded. There are also links to other resources for STEM learning and teaching. The 2022 book is focused on conservation and sustainability.