Online Development Courses
LinkedIn Building Trust and Collaborating with Others.
Total Course Time: 5 hours 58 minutes
The course had assisted me learn how to develop and maintain cooperative, collaborative and constructive work with relationships in the workplace. There were multiple courses within this course, such as Building Trust, Essentials of Team Collaboration, Effective Listening, Having Difficult Conversations, Communicating with Diplomacy and Tact, Communicating with Empathy and Collaborative Leadership.
LinkedIn Develop Critical Thinking, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving Skills
Total Course Time: 4 hours, 29 minutes
LinkedIn Developing Resilience
Total Course Time: 4 hours, 29 minutes
Academic Integrity
These courses provided the fundamentals and foundations of academic integrity and how to complete tasks with academic integrity in mind.
People Portfolio – Inclusion
LGBTQIA+ Inclusion
Course Time: 120 minutes
This course module was important for understanding points of views of LGBTIQ+ members and including safe spaces and accepting those with different gender identities, sexualities and bodily diversities. As a member of this community, it was very insightful and had shown a lot of points of view and understandings.
Indigenous Inclusion
Course time: 60 minutes
This course centered around understanding the struggles the Indigenous community has faced and explores the themes of the Indigenous Australian cultures applies to the workplace.
Disability Inclusion
Course Time: 115 minutes
The inclusion course on disabilities had included three parts. Each part was centered around understanding disabilities and understanding their points of view of the workplace.
Safety Risk Management
Course Time: 60 minutes
This course provided the skills for me to understand safety risk management and it’s alignment to UniSQ’s Safety Strategy and policies and procedures. I also learnt how to create Safety Risk Assessments using SafeTrak. I was also provided the resources needed when requiring assistance.
Annual Compliance Training
Course time: 120 minutes
This course is completed each year and outlines Code of Conduct, the year’s strategic updates, employees obligations, employees safety, foreign interference, sexual assault and harassment and cyber security.
Respect At UniSQ
Course time: 30 minutes
Respect and UniSQ course outlined the different issues such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, the importance of consent and also provided resources which can be utilized for help.
LGBTQIA+ Ally Training
20th of July 2023
I attended a two hour training session in regards to learning about different aspects if the community and the impacts the community faces. As part of the community myself, I found this to be very interesting and I had learnt a lot of different aspects which I did not know about before. To show my support, I have registered to be apart of the Ally Network Website and I also wear a rainbow lanyard with various pins to show support.