About Create@UniSQ
Create@UniSQ is an easy-to-use portfolio, blogging and web publishing service for UniSQ Staff and students. It uses the platform WordPress powered and supported by CampusPress.
The Create@UniSQ Project
The Create@UniSQ project has two main areas of focus:
- Batch-processed student portfolios for curriculum and program purposes using a discipline-designed template to support personal branding, assessment and employability
- Self-serve option for staff and students to access a WordPress site supporting academics, research groups, individual or groups who may require an online presence to share and/or collaborate with others within and beyond UniSQ.
Background – 2021
During Semester 1 and 2, 2021 a student portfolio pilot took place with select courses. A discipline-based template was created in consultation with academics and course examiners in the pilot. Starting with the batch-processed template students were encouraged to customise their portfolio with images, artefacts and information.
S1 2021 Create@UniSQ Pilot
In Semester 1, 2021 (February-June) the Create@UniSQ portal supported a portfolio (and reflective blogging) pilot of up to 1000 users across 8 courses.
The courses included:
- PSY1104 | Psychological Skills A
- PSY1010 | Foundation Psychology A
- COU8101 | Counselling Skills and Applications
- VIS1010 | 2D Studio Foundations
- EDM8004 | Teacher Identity
- NUR1102 | Literacies and Communication for Health Care
- PUH8010 | Integrated Public Health A (Masters of Public Health)
S2 2021 and 2022
The Create@UniSQ project continued in 2021 and through 2022 with additional courses and schools joining. by 2023 over 7,000 student portfolios had been created across most schools and disciplines
These include:
- Nursing and Midwifery
- Education
- Business – BBIZ
- Science – BITC & BSCI
- Law and Justice
- Social Work
- Creative Arts
- UniSQ College, UniPrep
- Agriculture
- Humanities
- Recognition of Prior Learning
Are you a student who needs help with their Create@UniSQ Site?
Check out the Getting Started resources or contact Support.
Are you a staff member with a question about using Create@UniSQ with your students or colleagues?
Access the For Staff Resources and/or email Dr Julie Lindsay, Senior Education Technology Advisor
Disclaimer: The content and opinions expressed on sites hosted on Create@USQ do not necessarily reflect the views of, nor are they endorsed by the University of Southern Queensland.