Portfolio Templates
Using Create@UniSQ to create a personal portfolio
Templates are designed to provide students with a starting point for creating their Portfolio. There are a range of Templates available, created in consultation with course coordinators, teachers and examiners and include preformatted pages and prompts to assist students to complete their assessment tasks.

The following templates are currently available:
- AEP UniPrep Portfolio
- Agriculture Portfolio
- BCYS Portfolio
- BITC Employability Portfolio
- BSc Employability Portfolio
- Business Portfolio
- Counselling Portfolio
- Education: Early Childhood Portfolio
- Education: General Portfolio
- Engineering
- Generic Portfolio
- Law and Justice Portfolio
- Law Professional Portfolio
- Master of Public Health
- Nursing Portfolio – General
- Nursing Portfolio – NUR1102
- Occupational Therapy ePortfolio
- Psychology Portfolio
- RPL Portfolio
- School of Creative Arts: Theatre Portfolio
- School of Creative Arts: Visual Arts Portfolio
- School of Creative Arts: Film and Radio
- School of Humanities & Communication: SOC 1002/3002 Portfolio
- Social Work Portfolio
- USQ College Portfolio