Conversations: TechDem Champs
Nina Usher
Learning and Teaching Quality Partner
Masters of Education, Bachelor of Arts Education, Bachelor of Education, Cert IV training and assessment
Contact for further info:
Nina Usher
As a specialised educator with experience working in educational/instructional design, I have advanced understanding and appreciation for digital teaching, learning, and pedagogical practice. My work is focused on enhancing the engagement, accessibility, and functionality of online learning platforms and digital materials for students.
Over the last few years of my career at UniSQ, I have focused my research and efforts on systemically improving teaching practice via conducting in-deep reviews of schools and courses, and then creating custom graphics, digital tools and resources. The aim of which is to develop a rich culture of engagement and support for both staff and students, focusing on enhancing accessibility and refining online teaching.
I have provided schools with a range of options regarding virtual learning tools, pedagogical approaches, and mapping data analytics, and I have developed a series of tools and training platforms, such as websites and interactive teaching tools, to support each school and discipline to extend their practice and excel with the online teaching standards and requirements.
Favourite Learning Tech:
H5P, Kahoot, Stackoverflow (for testing HTML code), padlet, Hive, Canva, creative cloud suite
Want to connect with a TechDems Champion?
Each of our Champions is a passionate advocate for EdTech tools and online pedagogies. They’re also willing to share their expertise with you. Contact any of the Champions below.
Dr Tracey Chamlin
Conversations: TechDem ChampsTechnology...
Dr Dianne Stratton-Maher
With more than three decades of experience as a Registered Nurse, Dr Stratton-Maher’s substantial background has been predominantly in intensive care nursing.
Ben Ingram
Conversations: TechDem ChampsTechnology...
Jo Southern
I have been nursing for 34 years comprising of clinical, management, and educational experience. My focus for the last 10 years has been on…
Dr Rhi Johnson
Dr Rhi Johnson is a Lecturer in Visual Arts (Printmaking), and is the First Year Experience and Employability Lead for the School of Creative Arts at USQ.
Dr Katrina Cutcliffe
After teaching in the secondary sector for over 20 years, Katrina moved to USQ and have been inspired by the community and the collective passion for student learning.
Vanessa Crouch
As a teacher with 20 years of teaching experience in primary schools in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Japan, Vanessa is passionate about leveraging technology for learning.
Dr Lisa Jacka
Dr Lisa Jacka is a senior lecturer at the University of Southern Queensland in the School of Education. She has over 18 years of experience in Higher Education at USQ, SCU, JCU and UNE.
Dr Julie Lindsay
Julie has a 35+ years career in higher education and K-12 schools and worked in international schools for fifteen years as an educational technology leader across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.