Special Interest Group – Student Portfolio
Technology Demonstrators > Special Interest Groups > Student Portfolio SIG
About the Student Portfolio SIG
The Student Portfolio Special Interest Group is a sub-group of Technology Demonstrators at UniSQ. It is led by interests of the group and aims to explore the affordances and contextual relevance of Portfolios (also called ePortfolios, digital portfolios, online portfolios) in learning and teaching for student success aligned with the UniSQ Education Plan objectives including First Year Experience, Employability, Work Integrated Learning and digital literacy.
The SIG aims to include those who are:
- already implementing curriculum-focused Portfolios within courses and programs using various platforms;
- considering future integration; and
- providing a supporting role in the School/ or Section
Read more about the preferred portfolio platform at UniSQ on the Student Portfolios using WordPress Digital Initiatives page.
What’s New
The next Student Portfolio SIG meeting is TBC for a day in August 2023.
Contact Us
Dr Julie Lindsay – Senior Education Technology Advisor and SIG Convenor
Email: julie.lindsay@usq.edu.au
Phone: +617 4631 2890
SIG Meeting June 2023
At the recent Student Portfolio SIG hosted by Technology Demonstrators nearly 40 interested colleagues gathered to learn more and to share experiences around portfolio development and implementation into courses and programs.
Resources available from the SIG:
- The full MP4 recording (about 56 min) – Student Portfolio SIG June 15
- Full session: Link to the Engageli Playback room
- Segmented videos from panel member presentations – see below
SIG meeting March 2023 – explore resources:
- The interactive slides – you have editing rights…please contribute ideas for future SIGs (slide 2) and ideas based on this session (slides 9 and 10)
- The MP4 recording – a flat file that does not give you the interactivity that took place
- The Playback room – Be adventurous! Use the Engageli facility to access the session, including to the Google slides for interaction – it’s an all-in-one opportunity! You can even go in and then invite colleagues at the same time to review the material and discuss. Read more: How to use the Playback room
SIG June 15, 2023 – Videos
School of Nursing & Midwifery – Dr Dianne Stratton-Maher
Di, Senior Lecturer from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, shares her experience with a first year course ‘Communications and Literacy for Health Care’. She explains how part of the portfolio is for assessment, and demonstrated how the Cadmus platform (a pilot program at UniSQ right now) works in conjunction with WordPress portfolio expectations. Reflective practice is a strong focus linked with employability. She also demonstrates a student exemplar portfolio.
Recognition of Prior Learning – Dr Carol Quadrelli
Carol, as Associate Director for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), is forging ahead with portfolios for evidence-based formal and informal learning for those students applying for RPL. She explains the Professional Practice Framework shared below which is based on UniSQ Graduate Attributes and shares a recent exemplar student portfolio. Carol emphasised how portfolio development reveals a powerful sense of identity and self from the student and becomes part of the life-long journey.
Social Work degree – A/Prof Ros Darracott
Ros is program director for the brand new Social Work degree at UniSQ, which started in Semester 1 this year when all students received their WordPress portfolios upon entry. She shared meticulous plans for embedding into courses across the program with increased weightings for assessment. For example, by the 4th year 500-hour field placement course the portfolio is worth 25%, while the capstone course allocates 40% weighting to portfolio assessment.
Access Ros’ presentation material HERE.
Bachelor of Agriculture Technology Management – Justine Bailli
Justine is program director for this new degree in 2022. Employability across the program has been planned for since inception and portfolio development goes hand in hand with this focus. Authentic assessment and tasks encourage students to have useful artefacts uploaded to their portfolio to enhance employment. They build a personal identity in year 1 starting with a personal statement – who they are, uniqueness and values. Access Justine’s presentation material HERE.
School of Business – Dr Anup Shrestha
Anup is the employability lead in the School of Business. He is focused on encouraging digital literacy development and commended the facility that CampusPress provides for WordPress hosting. The Bachelor of Business capstone course is a showcase for the portfolio. Anup shared a student exemplar portfolio with major assessment based on an authentic, real world topic and experience. Narelle Peach also came into the session and shared links made between the Career Connect resources and StudyDesk development with key links to portfolio support. Plans are well under way for embedding the portfolio across the degree.
School of Education – Dr Lisa Ryan
Lisa Ryan shares developing plans (in collaboration with Melissa Fanshawe in the School of Education) to embed WordPress portfolios into student learning. The goals are to weave portfolios through the new program Bachelor of Education through integrating many courses. In order to do this preparing students will involve developing a new portfolio template, program mapping, and staff training. The key motivations include: documenting progress towards professional standards; employability – some students have already been offered jobs using their portfolios; use of the STAR framework for reflective practice (Situation, Task, Actions, Response). Access Lisa’s presentation material HERE.
Student Portfolio SIG Padlet – Great resources to explore!
What is a Portfolio?
Why Create a Portfolio?
Reflective Portfolios
Student online portfolios to support reflective learning and employability
Read the Blog
Click on the posts below to read more about Student Portfolios. You can also access join the main Conversation here.
TechDem CoP March 2024: Portfolios
What a fabulous session we had at our most recent Technology Demonstrators Community of Practice Event, focusing on e-portfolios in education, the benefits of reflection and the challenges of implementation.
Student Portfolio SIG – Exploring ideas
Our first Student Portfolio SIG for 2023 explored the NEWLY developed Create@UniSQ website, rubrics for portfolio assessment and the role played by generative AI text, and taking a program approach to portfolios
Getting a handle on assessment and student ePortfolios
How do you embed assessment into student ePortfolios? At the Technology Demonstrators ePortfolio SIG meeting today we grappled with approaches to embeddded assessment.
Applying the Gibbs Reflective Cycle for ePortfolio development
Conversations: Student Portfolio SIGApplying the Gibbs Reflective Cycle for ePortfolio development...
Exploring the affordance of student portfolios – ePortfolio SIG
Why an ePortfolio Special Interest Group (SIG)? As a sub-group of Technology Demonstrators, the ePortfolio SIG aims to explore, share, and co-create understandings around the affordances of student portfolios.
Student online portfolios to support reflective learning and employability
An important focus of the student online portfolio initiatives at USQ is student employability through sharing evidence of growth and reflective learning.