AILTC: Potential Tools

Potential Tools

The following is a list of AI Tools we are currently investigating.

Please note: These tools may not have been endorsed for use at UniSQ at this time, and are listed only so that participants in The Collective can engage in research and experimentation.

Got a suggestion? If you would like to suggest a tool to add to this list, please contact  us – Email:

A young woman using a device, she's surrouneded by evidence of AI in her daily life.

EdTech for Learning

PLEASE NOTE: The use of any educational technology tools for learning and teaching at UniSQ must be approved through Academic Contracts.

If you would like to use a tool with students or colleagues, or to pilot within or across a discipline, please reach out to us and the EdTech Team will assist you in identifying  resources required and securing approvals.


1. Tools that have been endorsed for further research, pilots or experiments


NOLEJ is a decentralized skills platform powered by an AI engine, that automatically generates interactive courseware & global knowledge graph.


Synthesia is a synthetic media generation platform used to create AI generated video content.

2. Tools we are considering as options and for the Collective to explore

Magic School

Magic School

Magic School is a free AI tool that helps educators in Higher Education with AI resistant assessment, student feedback, syllabus generator and more.

IBM Watson Text to Speech

IBM Watson Text to Speech uses natural language processing. The software can be used to convert speech to text, to analyse text and to read text-based content in a variety of languages.

Learnt ai

Learnt ai is used by educators to create lesson plans, refine assessment questions/tasks, develop icebreakers and educational support materials.


Notably helps users to analyse research data. Notably contains a research repository, AI research, video transcription, cluster analysis, digital sticky notes, and AI templates.


Rytr is writing assistant that can create a range of text based content, such as adverts, blogs, emails and documents.


Speak has been developed to assist users in understanding and navigating their data sets.


Wisdolia is designed to generate question and answer flashcards from any PDF, webpage, or YouTube video. Users can generate up to 50 sets of flashcards per month on the free version.

Get Involved

Are you doing something interesting with AI for learning and teaching?

We invite you to share at an AILTC Symposium. Complete this online FORM to register interest.

Contact Us

For more information about the AI Pedagogy Project please contact:

Dr Julie Lindsay SFHEA
Senior Education Technology Advisor

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