Education Plan 2022 – 2025
Technology Demonstrators provides stakeholder opportunities and support aligned with the UniSQ Education Plan 2022-2025 with a focus on Strategy 2: Embrace innovative learning and teaching practices.
Our collective aim is to:
- Establish a robust virtual learning environment and adopt relevant pedagogies to provide choice, accessibility and learning opportunities for all learners
- Develop creative teaching practices through embedding existing and emerging technologies while providing opportunities for exploration and experimentation
- Active dissemination of good practice, and develop, support, recognise and reward innovation and excellence in learning and teaching.
[embeddoc url=”https://create.usq.edu.au/edtech/files/2022/12/EducationPlan_2022-2025_v0.4-20221102.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]
Explore some of our key projects, collaborations and resources:
TechDem CoP is a UniSQ initiative that fosters edtech pilots, interventions, and a coaching/mentoring program.
TechDems supports Digital Learning Initiatives (pilots and projects) that are designed to align with the UniSQ Academic Plan.
Technology Demonstrators Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are led by the interest of the group. They focus on a facet of edtech and collegially explore possibilities.
Conversations about new ideas, innovations, implementations and learning journey design.