Events on the Horizon
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- View the calendar below for all events: dates, times and locations, including SIG and CoP gatherings
- Access info and resources from previous events in the TD Events Archives.
Our next BIG THING is: Coming soon!
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Click on the links below to read posts from recent TechDem Events, or click here access the main Conversations Blog.
Dr Nici Sweaney from AI Her Way
We were very lucky to welcome Dr Nici Sweaney as guest speaker at our AI for Learning & Teaching Symposium in April. She is an Adoption Strategist, Consultant, Educator and Director of AI Her Way.
International collaboration and the four ‘pillars’ that influence and shape online learning at USQ
Recently USQ International invited TechDem leaders to put together a 3-hour workshop to share with the Hang Chu University College of Communication, Malaysia
Virtual, International Teaching: New Paths at Justus Liebig University Giessen
This conversation was provided by Juliane Sommer in support of the JLU-USQ collaborative workshops, March 2022.
You are invited! JLU-Giessen-USQ International Collaborative Workshops
Many years ago, as a student of history, I read, analysed and critiqued Blainey’s The Tyranny of Distance detailing how Australia’s future was shaped by geographical remoteness.