Image: UniSQ Colleagues in a meeting room, having a discussion.


Engage with Engageli – Meet the Champions

This resource shares materials from the Engage with Engageli collaborative webinar, held on May 17, 2022. The focus of the webinar was on sharing our experiences with the tool Engagli being used/piloted in many courses over Semester 1.

Session Goals

EXPLORE the synchronous affordances of Engageli in a class-like scenario – full room, table conversations, interactive elements

INTERACT with USQ Engageli Champions and learn how this tool is being used in courses to engage students

DISCOVER additional features of Engageli such as multimedia sharing, asynchronous playback, data collection and analytics capabilities

QUESTION Engageli representatives for further understanding of this tool and plans for future development

EVALUATE the use of Engageli for your course / program / discipline / school.


SESSION RECORDING – please note this is quite a different format to Zoom – and the recording was not paused during the table breakouts. Therefore from about 29 min-37 min you will need to fast forward.

PLAYBACK – use the Playback link to enter the room again – but this time at the top select ‘playback’ and once in choose the recording from a list (bottom RH) then interact with the facility and recording.

Engageli Champions video – kudos to Rob, Lisa J, Lisa R, and Vanessa (see embedded video below)

Table breakout discussions compilation doc – Thank you! for your feedback on the various table docs (each table had a separate doc as you know). This link is a compilation of all tables. It is still an editable doc so you can continue to add your thoughts and share with others.

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Dr Nici Sweaney from AI Her Way

Dr Nici Sweaney from AI Her Way

We were very lucky to welcome Dr Nici Sweaney as guest speaker at our AI for Learning & Teaching Symposium in April. She is an Adoption Strategist, Consultant, Educator and Director of AI Her Way.

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