Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Technology Demonstrators Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are led by the interest of the group. Interactions and collaborations hone in on a facet of edtech: tool, pedagogy or other, and collegially explore possibilities.
Explore your options to explore, experiment and collaborate below:
Current Special Interest Groups

Microsoft for Teaching SIG
The Microsoft for Teaching SIG explores how to leverage the 0365 suite of tools for learning and teaching. This includes MS Teams, OneNote, Sway, Class Notebook and PowerPoint.

Online Collaborative Learning SIG
The Online Collaborative Learning SIG aims to explore the affordances of online collaborative learning in various learning and teaching contexts; and foster conversation aligned with L&T and edtech.

Pathways to Innovation SIG
The Pathways to Innovation SIG is for those who are keen to master the basics and then push the boundaries.

Student Engagement SIG
The Student Engagement SIG explores student engagement in learning with reference to the use of edtech and digital affordances.

Student Portfolio SIG
The Student Portfolio SIG explores the affordances and contextual relevance of Portfolios (also called ePortfolios, digital portfolios, online portfolios) in learning and teaching for student success.

Virtual Immersive Environments SIG
The Virtual Immersive Environments SIG will be engaging members to think differently about learning environments through a systematic approach to the best practice use of virtual immersive environments.