TechDem Community of Practice
Learn and share: tools, pedagogies, evaluation methods and research approaches
Technology Demonstrators CoP fosters peer interaction and collaboration while striving for continuous improvement in learning and teaching.
Development of the CoP is influenced by the work of Wenger-Traynor (2015). Watch the video (right) from a CoP session where Julie shares ideas on the domain, community and practice as well as identifying success factors.
Wenger-Trayner (2015). Introduction to communities of practice. https://wenger-trayner.com/introduction-to-communities-of-practice/
Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium. (2016). Creating communities of practice. https://www.communityofpractice.ca/background/what-is-a-community-of-practice/

As a CoP TechDems has the following three key features:
Community of Practice and Peer Support
As a facilitated CoP regular meetings, activities and other opportunities are designed to encourage participants to develop commitments, contribute ideas and initiatives, and foster outreach. Partnerships are encouraged for both mentor and mentee opportunities.
Join in at any time
An ongoing and rotating calendar aims to increase flexibility (rather than calls for participation with set opening and closing dates). When you have an idea or looking for a new approach, or interested in joining a pilot, you can join in to discuss and share.
Focus on all teaching and learning spaces
Participants are encouraged to consider trying different approaches to teaching, through an on-campus and/or online space set-up or enhanced in a unique way or with technology enhancements/affordances.
TechDems is the place to do this experimentation and innovation, and have the accompanying support and consultative conversations.
Focus on the UniSQ Toolkit for Online Learning and Teaching
The Technology Demonstrators Community of Practice (CoP) includes a focus on the USQ Toolkit for online learning and teaching with the four elements: Tools, Pedagogy, Evaluation and Research. These elements are not sequential – they are all vitally interconnected and synergies are developed between them during design and implementation of learning experiences.
Regular online meetings foster conversation, presentations, demonstrations and critical exploration of existing and emerging technologies.
Explore new and existing technologies for learning and teaching at USQ.
Click here to access notes from TechDem CoP Events with a focus on Tools
Explore educational technology solutions for student engagement, including applicable learning theories, flipped learning and immersive learning.
Click here to access notes from TechDem CoP Events with a focus on Pedagogy
Evaluate educational technology (outcomes and impacts) and the evaluation process including data collection and analytics.
Click here to access notes from TechDem CoP Events with a focus on Evaluation
Approaches to SoTL research and ethical considerations and next steps such as applying for university grants programs.
Click here to access notes from TechDem CoP Events with a focus on Research
Browse the TechDem CoP Newsletter
Check out the Technology Demonstrator’s Community of Practice Newsletters for updates on current activities, resources and events. Click here to access archives for previous years.