Think Outside the Box – Create a ThinkPiece

What is a ThinkPiece?
A ThinkPiece is a short video – up to about 6 min.
Think TED Talks, Think micro-lecture, Think mini-presentation, Think Conversation!
Think about how YOU can share your ideas with others via video.
It can be on any topic, such as:
- An new idea/innovation
- Research outcomes
- Your experience with something
- A conversation with others
- Innovation in teaching
- Student engagement in learning
- Application of educational technology
….. anything really!

How can you create a ThinkPiece?
There are many tools available to create a short video. Here is a starting list:
- Adobe Premiere Rush
- Adobe Spark
- Buncee
- H5P
- Screencastomatic or Camtasia or Quicktime (Mac)
- Zoom
- Voicethread
- mmhhmm
- Panopto
What about images and music….?
Some great free image sites include: Unsplash, Pixabay, Pexels
For free music start with Bensound.
Some of the tools above provide access to free images (eg Adobe Spark) within the creation platform. Don’t forget tools like Canva where you can create your own amazing banners, call outs, images etc.
When does the ThinkPiece need to be ready?
ThinkPieces will be released one (or maybe 2, pending interest) per week August – November, 2022 (not during the mid-semester break). This gives us TEN weeks of ThinkPiece activity (not including the 2-week semester break in September). The TechDem CoP will organise discussion sessions around these where creators can further share their ideas.
How do I sign up?
The ThinkPiece schedule will be available in June. Start thinking now about WHAT you want to share and WHEN you want to have it produced by. Read further details and access the sign-up form on the ThinkPieces website