The concept of digital literacy is a long-debated subject (Bawden, 2008). The concept of digital literacy arose in the late 1990’s as the digital age began to emerge from its infancy.
Conversations Archives
I’m not IT… and other urban myths
Recently I was at a meeting with a group of experienced educators looking at ways to engage students with a co-curricula project, when I heard the refrain “I’m not IT” used as a reason not to create an equivalent experience for online students.
Padlet and Cognitive Presence
As you know, Padlet is sweeping UniSQ by storm. There’s not a StudyDesk, professional development session, or collaboration space that isn’t harnessing the potential of this intuitive and visually dynamic tool.
Colin Jones
With 22 years experience teaching in Higher Education, I have recently moved into an academic development role, supporting other educators who desire personal and course improvements.
You are invited! JLU-Giessen-USQ International Collaborative Workshops
Many years ago, as a student of history, I read, analysed and critiqued Blainey’s The Tyranny of Distance detailing how Australia’s future was shaped by geographical remoteness.
An Interesting Read: Exploring Ungratefulness Towards Technology
In December 2021, Naval Garg and Sarika Kumari published a paper entitled Dear Technology, You are not Welcome: Exploring Ungratefulness Towards Technology. Its title resonates on many levels.
How to Engage with Technology Demonstrators in 2022
Let your imagination and sense of adventure take flight. 2022 could be the year that you start/continue digital learning initiatives and innovate your teaching and learning at USQ.
TechDems21: The Year in Review
Technology Demonstrators is a program designed to assist you with the use of new and existing technologies to support learning and teaching at USQ. We have four key pillars: Tools, Pedagogies, Evaluation and Research.