Conversations: Balancing the Shift POdcast
The Balancing the shift podcast presents an exciting exploration into what it means to be part of the shift in how educational technology is shaping our lives inside and outside of educational settings.
Julie and Lisa are innovators in the field of educational technology. They offer thought provoking insights and provocations from their own experiences as well as a range of guests who will leave you thinking about your own practice and place in the shift.
You can visit and subscribe to the Balancing the Shift Podcast via the links below.
Episode Archive
16. Global Connections Part 2 – The Europe Connection
Julie and Lisa chatted about Julie’s trip to Europe, where she connected and shared with educators about digital transformation, educational technology and AI, as well as curriculum-embedded global collaboration. Julie was in Europe at the ICDE Leadership Summit, Geneva, UniSQ partner university JLU Giessen, and as an invited presenter at the International Digital Week Universite Cote D’Azur in Nice.
15. Reimagine Learning in an AI Empowered World
Welcome to Balancing the Shift with Dr Lisa Jacka and Dr Julie Lindsay. This episode is the first of our AI Pedagogy Project series where we Reimagine Learning in an AI Empowered World. Lisa shares recent explorations using Generative AI and prompt engineering and we discuss how to start considering what is available and when to use it.
14. Global Connections Part 1 – Switzerland
Julie and Lisa talk global connections with their special guest Carola Brunnbauer from The Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH).
13. End of Year 2023
Julie and Lisa reflect on 2023 and discuss a hybrid workshop they recently presented using Engageli, Padlet, Feedback Fruits, Voicethread and Portfolios.
12. Flexible Learning
Julie and Lisa talk about their experiences of flexible learning to support learners in higher education. This is linked with a number of presentations, including the Regional Universities Network (RUN), view the slides.
11. The Changing Spaces of Social Media
Julie and Lisa are joined by JoKay, long time innovator in the edtech space. They provide insights into the past, present and future of social media. What promise does the fediverse hold for education?
10. Portfolios for learning
Julie and Lisa discuss the effective use of portfolios across a range of disciplines in higher education. They are joined by a range of colleagues reflecting on their implementation of portfolios in Education, Nursing, Business, Careers, RPL and Agriculture. Join in the conversation on our new Twitter feed – @balancingshift
09. Digital Transformation
Julie and Lisa discuss discuss digital transformation with a conversation about our perceptions of what this is and what it means for the future of higher education. Join in the conversation on our new Twitter feed – @balancingshift
Transcript available here – Ep 09 Transcript
08. Academic Development and the Change Process
Julie and Lisa discuss academic development and the change process. Join in the conversation on our new Twitter feed – @balancingshift
07. Learning Environments
Julie and Lisa discuss learning environments. Join in the conversation on our new Twitter feed – @balancingshift
06. AI and ChatGPT
We chat with Dr Rian Roux from the Academic Integrity unit at UniSQ about the implications for the Higher Education sector with the rise in AI and ChatGPT.
05. ASCILITE 2022
Julie and Lisa attended and presented at the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) 2022 Conference in Sydney. In this podcast they reflect on some of the interesting ideas they heard and experiences they had.
04. Innovation Conversation
Prof Jo-Anne Ferreira and Prof Linda Galligan join us for a conversation about innovation in higher education.
Linda Galligan is a Professor with the Faculty of Health Engineering and Sciences at UniSQ and is currently Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics, and Computing. She has taught first year mathematics and statistics courses and has strong links with schools providing mathematics programs and activities for students and teachers. Her research includes language and mathematics, and student preparation for numeracy demands of university. More recently her focus has been on technology enhanced learning, and is a current member of the Technology Enhanced Learning Research Collaborative at USQ. Follow Linda on Linkedin
Jo-Anne Ferreira is the Dean (Learning and Teaching Futures) at UniSQ. Follow Jo-Anne on Linkedin
03. First Nations pedagogy and digital technology
First Nations educators Cally Jetta and Sue Tuitupou join us for a conversation about the connection between First Nations pedagogy and digital technology. Sue shares her Jellyfish story as an example of the importance of storytelling and the way that digital technology supports this work.
02. Asynchronous teaching: elements, design and actions
Asynchronous teaching is the glue that binds all aspects of the learning design together. Providing supportive and inspiring asynchronous opportunities for students will elevate your teaching whether online or on campus. Julie and Lisa present some of their ideas about what asynchronous teaching is, why designing experiences is essential and how you might apply that to your teaching.
01. Hyflex learning and teaching
Julie and Lisa share an introduction to Hyflex learning and teaching.
About the Podcasters

Dr Lisa Jacka
Senior Lecturer (Curriculum and Pedagogy – Primary and Secondary),
Learning and Teaching Futures

Dr Julie Lindsay
Senior Education Technology Advisor
Learning and Teaching Futures
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Listen to the podcast below and read ‘Experts explore innovations in education technology’.
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@julielindsay & @lisajacka