Special Interest Group – Student Engagement
Technology Demonstrators > Special Interest Groups > Student Engagement SIG
About the Student Engagement SIG
Together, SIG participants aim to address the big questions around student engagement in learning. Our specific focus is on the relationship between student engagement and digital technologies.
The Student Engagement SIG is led by the interests of the group. Participants can choose to explore pedagogical frameworks that provide insight into online engagement. They may seek to understand how engagement is defined and evaluated by the tertiary sector, USQ governance, academics, and students. Participants also select and trial digital affordances that directly impact on student engagement. Most importantly, we share our experiences as we strive toward enhancing student engagement.
What's New
Next meeting
When: TBC
About: Our next SIG meeting will feature a student panel who share their experiences with online learning and answer our questions on engaement.
Contact Us
Katrina Cutcliffe – Learning and Teaching Quality Partner and Student Engagement SIG Convenor
Email: Katrina.Cutcliffe@usq.edu.au
Highlights from our last meeting
On 29 August, 2023, our SIG meeting focused on research. With over 20 000 articles published on student engagement since the start of 2022, it is clear that this is an important issues within the higher education sector. The robust conversations that ensued spoke of our shared and genuine desire to reach and teach students.
Find out more about this SIG meeting by clicking here. Scroll down to visit our blogs on previous meetings.
Student Engagement SIG Padlet – Great resources to explore!
Read the Blog
Click on the posts below to read the most recent blog posts from the Student Engagement SIG. You can also access join the main Conversation here.
Student Voice: Engageli
Student Representative Technology DemonstratorsAs you might know, UniSQ has been piloting Engageli...
Researching Student Engagement
Conversations: Student Engagement SIGEach week, Google Scholar reminds me that I’m behind in my...
UniSQ Technology Enabled Student Advising
Program Manager (Student Support and Advising) Strategic Academic Projects...
Tools Supporting Student Engagement
The recent Student Engagement SIG meeting focussed on tools that support student engagement.
Closing the Loop: Data Driven Decisions Enhancing Student Engagement
Recently, the Student Engagement SIG had the opportunity to hear about the work undertaken first to find, then analyse, USQ data on student engagement.
Student Engagement SIG: Student Panel
Recently the Student Engagement SIG were lucky enough to have a group of students participate in a panel.