Conversations: Student Portfolio SIG
Exploring the affordance of student portfolios – ePortfolio SIG

Why an ePortfolio Special Interest Group (SIG)?
As a sub-group of Technology Demonstrators, the ePortfolio SIG aims to explore, share, and co-create understandings around the affordances of student portfolios. It provides opportunities for participants in all university sections to come together and aligns with the USQ Academic Plan objectives including First Year Experience, Employability, Work Integrated Learning and digital literacy.
The SIG aims to explore different platforms for portfolios including the two currently used at USQ: Mahara and WordPress
Why an ePortfolio Special Interest Group (SIG)?
As a sub-group of Technology Demonstrators, the ePortfolio SIG aims to explore, share, and co-create understandings around the affordances of student portfolios. It provides opportunities for participants in all university sections to come together and aligns with the USQ Academic Plan objectives including First Year Experience, Employability, Work Integrated Learning and digital literacy.
The SIG aims to explore different platforms for portfolios including the two currently used at USQ: Mahara and WordPress
SIG Meeting February 9
The first meeting in 2022 took place on February 9 and rich conversations took place around these themes:
- How different disciplines are approaching ePortfolios for student use – technical/template, pedagogical
- Assessment design and integration
- Post-graduate approaches
- Employability and finding evidence of student use for career pathways
Find out more and explore resources
- Read more about the ePortfolio SIG and plan to join in
- Explore resources on the ePortfolio SIG Padlet (and contribute as well!)
- JOIN the ePortfolio SIG
- Watch the Events Calendar for forthcoming meetings and themes