How digital technology has helped me to re-imagine my practice as a First Nations educator
With online enrolments making up over 60% of the current student cohort with the College for First Nations, and continuing to grow, it is imperative that our academic staff are providing an engaging online teaching and learning space that continuously honours First Nations ways of knowing, being and doing.
Often seen at odds with one another and considered incompatible, merging traditional First Nations knowledge and pedagogies with modern education technologies presents ongoing challenges. Excitingly however, recent trials of new digital technology within the College for First Nations have produced some very encouraging outcomes and revealed multiple opportunities for First Nations pedagogy to be embedded and shared through cutting edge digital technologies.

Padlet and Mentimeter, both online, self-paced and interactive teaching and learning platforms, are two examples of this digital technology currently being trialled by academics in the College for First Nations.
Art work by Dennis Clint Jetta and Cally Jetta
Explore Mentimeter and Padlet
Mentimeter has a free version with good functionality.
Try out some of the Mentimeter asynchronous response features using this example from Cally exploring Cultural Competency.
Padlet has a free version you can create artefacts and explore potential uses for your learning and teaching context. Better still APPLY for a UniSQ Padlet account for full and unlimited functionality

About the Author
Cally Jetta
Lecturer (First Nations Studies), College for First Nations, UniSQ
Cally Jetta lives on Noongar Country in the South-West of WA with her husband and four sons where she teaches and studies online with the University of Southern Queensland. Cally is currently completing a PhD that explores ‘the complexities of Aboriginal self-determination in the school sector’.
Interesting how this technology can connect people in our nation